A downloadable broken piece of game for Windows

My submission for the trijam #30 gamejam.

Just stopped when the timer rang so time is 3 hours pretty much.

It turned out somewhat horrific. I had some problems with raycasts a long the way which took way the long so i failed to make: art and levels lol, and dropped showing bullet trajectories. The build is also broken for some reason, so you have to restart the game upon winning loosing because it doesn't change scene properly. Also you won't know if you won/lost so it's pretty much unplayable :/ 

If you decide to play give it a shot anyways, the rules are: You get 30 seconds to rotate enemies and move walls and mirrors using the cursor. when time runs up, all enemies shoot. You win if all enemies kill each other, you loose if any allies die. That's it.

As i said, i didn't make levels, so i just threw a ton of random stuff together in 2 levels and hoped they would be winnable. Good luck lol.


Just tested it again, seems you start out on the loose screen, and also the counter on the second level doesn't even work :(.


Build.rar 16 MB

Install instructions

Just download and extract, exe is inside.


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Heya! We can't run the Windows version on Wine.

We could play it on Friday's community stream if you prepare a browser or Linux version, no worries if it takes more than 3 hours, it would be for feedback :)